Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Episode 51: Deco Mesh Supplies 101


  1. thank you! this is exactly what I was looking for! Now I know why my wreaths never look right!

  2. You mentioned you had a local source in OKlahoma - would you mind to share that with me as I am in OKlahoma also looking to purchase the deco mesh and save on shipping. Thank you!
    Sharla sharla.b@live.com

  3. Thanks for sharing this. Definitely makes sense now!

  4. First let me say Thank You for sharing your knowledge and being so helpful. I have been following Prettify Your Life on facebook and am sad to see that it is closing. My question is about the mesh. I buy mine at HL and find them to be a little stiff. Would like to know are there different grades of mesh? (ex.1st, 2nds) Is the ones sold at like trendy tree better and easier to work with?
    Thank you again for all you do!


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